Year Round Gardening Master Course

Learn to extend your garden harvest season to 365 days a year, using row covers, hoop houses and cold frames.

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The Year Round Gardening Master Class is now closed to new students.

Your next chance to join the course will be July 6-15, 2022

Harvest Fresh Garden Produce 365 Days a Year

Even if you live somewhere with Freezing Winter Temperatures . . .

Learn to plant and grow a year-round garden.

In this class you will learn how to extend your growing season to 365 days a year no matter where you live. Not only will you learn how to have peas in June and tomatoes in August, but you will also learn how to grow tasty veggies in your garden all year long. Including the dead of winter! All using simple, inexpensive structures like mini hoop houses and cold frames.

This is a very thorough look at everything you need to know about year-round gardening. With over 5 1/2 hours of content broken into very manageable pieces. Learn what crops to grow, when to plant them and what you need to do to protect your crops so that you can have something to harvest EVERY day of the year.

Winter Gardening

Plant the right kinds of plants at the right time of year and you can have fresh-picked veggies even in the coldest months of the winter. Carrots, lettuce, mache, spinach, Swiss Chard, kale, and more can be ready for you to pick from your hoop houses and cold frames all winter long.

Spring Gardening

Use your cold frame or hoop house to provide a nice warm environment to get your seeds and seedlings started earlier in the spring than you ever thought possible.

Fall Gardening

Fabric row covers and hoop houses will help you extend your growing season well into the late fall. Adding 90 days or more harvest time to your favorite cool-season veggies and even helping to add ripening time for your late summer tomatoes!

Join me to learn everything needed to add this new skill to your gardening toolbox.

Learn more about Rick & The Year-Round Gardening Master Course

"I was looking for ideas on how to increase the growing season for my back yard garden. I live in the high desert of the great American Southwest, which means plenty of snow and freezing temperatures in the winter. This means, on average, a frost-free growing season starting mid April and ending Oct 28, a total of just 195 days. I wanted to use those as many of the remaining 170 days as possible.

Rick Stone's Course "Year Round Gardening" had the information I was looking for. Subjects included everything from garden bed location and size, to proper crop rotation, planting times for safe timely harvesting; and how to protect crops with well made covers and cold frames. A lot of information to present, and presented well. Information was broken down into bite size lectures within subject matter related Sections. Each lecture easily digested (pardon the play on words) leading logically to the next, until the subject material was fully presented. Yes, I would recommend this course to both beginning and advanced gardeners looking for ways to extend their time doing what they enjoy. More Gardening!"

-Michael T.

New for the 2022 Fall/Winter Growing Season

To help get started growing a year-round garden in 2022 we are adding the following items as a special bonus for the 2022 fall class:

Private Facebook Group

We have created a special Private Facebook group for the Year-Round Gardening Course Students. This will be a great community where you can share your success and ask questions about the course.

Weekly Content Schedules

To help you get through the content in the course and to help you get ready for this fall's planting season I will be breaking the course down into weekly themes. This will help you get ready to plant this year!!

Q&A Sessions for the first few weeks of the course

For the first 4 weeks of the 2022 course, I will be doing a weekly live Q&A Zoom call with the group. Every Thursday evening from July 21st to August 11, 2022, we will do a Q&A session. And don't worry even if you can't make the Zoom call you can still get your questions answered because all sessions are recorded and uploaded to the course!

What you learn with Year Round Gardening . . .

Module 1: Introduction

  • Why should you grow a year round garden?
  • What are the Persephone Months

Module 2: Bed Preparation

  • Where should you locate the beds for your Year Round Garden
  • How big should your planting beds be
  • How to care for the soil in your Year Round Garden
Module 3: Crop Selection
  • What crops grow in the late fall, winter and early spring
  • Learn the 7 base crops to plant in a Year Round Garden
Module 4: Planting Times
  • When should you plant your fall and winter crops
  • What about spring crops when should they be planted

Module 5: Structures and Protection

  • Fabric Row Covers
  • Mini Hoop Houses
  • Cold Frames
  • And how to use them all!

Module 6: Harvesting

  • When and how do you harvest your fall and winter crops
Module 7: Spring Gardening
  • How to get your spring crops planted earlier
  • Over wintered crops
  • Spring Potatoes and Cole Crops
  • How to get an early jump on your summer Garden

Module 8: Fall Gardening

  • Special considerations for fall crops
  • Fall Cole crops, greens and root crops
  • How to protect your fall crops

Module 9: Wrap up

  • Putting it all together
Combined this course has over 5 and a half hours of Gardening instruction!
"I just wanted to let you know how much I loved your year round gardening class! I hope that anyone considering signing up will go ahead and do it. They will not be sorry! Not only is your course extremely educational, it is so much fun as well and just gets you really excited about being able to continue gardening long after the summer days are gone!

I thoroughly enjoyed the entire class. The modules are well set up and organized and the live classes are simply great! I learned so much from taking this course. It had truly never occurred to me to extend the season and really didn't know that I could extend it to the length that you've taught. I can not tell you how excited I am to have all of this new knowledge and I'm putting it to good work this year! I'm particularly appreciative of being able to go back to the modules as needed, even though the course is finished and I also love the fact that I can participate in future live classes.

I have dedicated 2 4x8 beds for this year. I have planted carrots, Swiss chard, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. And will be planting mache."

- Cindy H


Your Instructor

Rick Stone
Rick Stone

Hi guys, I'm Rick Stone and I’m a gardening fanatic! Over the last 25 years I've grown a large garden at my home and it seems like every year that garden gets a little larger! Most years we grow between 800 to 1100 pounds of fresh veggies for our table and tons of great flowers to make our yard look awesome.

I grow all of my own seedlings and we have learned how to extend our garden harvest to 365 days a year. Even in our zone 6 garden! Growing in cold frames and hoop houses is the key!!

I'm a graduate of the Utah State University Master Gardener program and have been teaching classes for many years on gardening basics and year round gardening. For the last 7 years I have been teaching courses online to nearly 1000 students. Come join me and we will learn everything you need to know to have a successful garden!!

What other students are saying:

"Great class - thanks a lot - very motivating and encouraging! everything to grow your own veggies all year long."

- Hannes W

"There is so much information but it is organized and presented simply so a novice can understand. I do not feel overwhelmed."

-Marlena D

"Great course. Rick is very enthusiastic about the subject and gives plenty of detail so you get a good understanding of the subject. I'm definitely going to put some of the ideas into practice and make better use of my vegetable garden."

- Barbara C

"Love the way he explains what he does and how we can do almost the same thing."

- Jonathan R

This course is designed to have you growing a year round garden starting this year!!

After buying this course you will be able to do the following:

  • Extend your growing season late into the fall and though the winter
  • Have your earliest harvest ever of your favorite spring crops
  • Learn how to build simple hoop houses and cold frames that will add months to your growing season
  • Turn your garden into a 365 day a year growing MACHINE!!

Whether you are starting your first garden or you have a thumb as green as an emerald you need this course to get you the information you need to extend your growing season and have something to harvest 365 days a year!!


Course Curriculum

  Course Wrap Up - Part 9 of 9
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Join The Gardening Academy
Available in days
days after you enroll

The Online Gardening School

No Risk Guarantee!

No Risk To You!

30 Day Money Back Guarantee!

Cancel any Time!

I'm so sure your questions will be answered and you will be growing an awesome Year-Round garden in no time.

That I'm willing to take the risk.
If you are not happy with this program just email me in the first 30 days at [email protected] and I will refund the full amount of your purchase price.
No forms to fill out and no questions asked.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does ongoing access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as we continue to service the course - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get started now!