Learn how to grow and harvest your own garden vegetable seeds by taking this course today!
Basics of Saving Seeds from your Garden
This quick but comprehensive gardening course will have you ready to save your own vegetable seeds this growing season.
After taking this one hour course you will be ready to head out to your garden and start saving your own seeds to plant next year!
Topics covered in the course include:
- The difference between hybrid and heirloom (open pollinated) seeds
- Why you can't save seeds from hybrid plants
- What is cross pollination and how does it affect seed saving
- What the easiest vegetables to save seeds from
- What plants are harder to save seeds from and how you can still save those seeds
- Some vegetables are very hard to save seeds from, which ones are they and how can you make it work despite the difficulty
- How to harvest and care for you fresh seeds
- How to store your seeds for the longest life
Included in the course are demo videos showing how to save seeds from 3 different vegetables (Lettuce, Kale, & Tomatoes)
Don't spend hours storing through all the information out there on the internet. Just take one hour with Rick and you will be ready to save your own garden seeds!
Your Instructor
Hi guys, I'm Rick Stone and Iām a gardening fanatic! Over the last 25 years I've grown a large garden at my home and it seems like every year that garden gets a little larger! Most years we grow between 800 to 1100 pounds of fresh veggies for our table and tons of great flowers to make our yard look awesome.
I grow all of my own seedlings and we have learned how to extend our garden harvest to 365 days a year. Even in our zone 6 garden! Growing in cold frames and hoop houses is the key!!
I'm a graduate of the Utah State University Master Gardener program and have been teaching classes for many years on gardening basics and year round gardening. For the last 7 years I have been teaching courses online to nearly 1000 students. Come join me and we will learn everything you need to know to have a successful garden!!
Course Curriculum
StartSeed Saving Introduction (3:04)
StartSeed Saving Workbook
StartHybrid vs Open Pollinated (10:00)
StartCross Pollination (8:44)
StartEasy Seeds to Save (8:30)
StartHarder Seeds to Save (7:34)
StartSaving Kale Seeds (3:24)
StartThe Most Difficult Seeds to Save (12:11)
StartMale and Female Flowers (1:53)
StartCare and Harvesting (3:29)
StartSaving Tomato Seeds (10:33)
StartStoring your Seeds (5:12)
StartSeed Saving Wrap Up (2:46)
StartWant more courses like this one? Join the Gardening Academy! (2:28)