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Indoor Gardening - Growing Microgreens & Sprouts
Introduction & Welcome
Welcome (2:33)
Hi I'm Rick Stone (2:48)
Sign up for the Facebook Group
What is the difference between Sprouts and Microgreens (6:57)
Health Benefits of Sprouts and Microgreens (7:23)
Growing Sprouts
Introduction to Growing Sprouts (2:27)
Sprouting Safety (11:49)
Sprouting Supplies (5:46)
Sprouting Seed Varieties (7:49)
Sprouts Step by Step guide for Jars and Trays (9:23)
Harvesting and Storing Sprouts (7:33)
Sprouts - Growing in Light vs Dark (5:39)
Sprouts - Troubleshooting Problems (12:28)
Demo - Broccoli Sprouts in a Jar (12:23)
Demo - Lentil Sprouts in a Jar (9:23)
Demo - Growing Sprouts in Trays (13:51)
Printable Sprouts Growing Guide
Growing Microgreens
Microgreens - Introduction (6:06)
Microgreens - Supplies (8:03)
Microgreens - Lights and Location (6:09)
Microgreens - Varieties/Seeds To Grow (5:11)
Microgreens - Weighing Your Seeds (2:09)
Microgreens - Water PH (3:28)
Microgreens - Using Weight (3:32)
Microgreens - Soil and Hydroponic Mats (10:54)
Microgreens - Other Containers (3:43)
Microgreens - Step By Step Guide (13:25)
Microgreens - Seeds to Soak vs No Soak (3:10)
Microgreens - Harvest and Storage (11:05)
Microgreens - Troubleshooting (11:40)
Microgreens - Broccoli Demo (9:16)
Microgreens - Radish Demo (11:24)
Microgreens - Peas Demo (13:08)
Microgreens - Buckwheat Demo(Coming Soon)
Printable Microgreen Recipe Cards
Final thoughts and resources
Where I get my supplies (10:24)
How our family grows sprouts & microgreens (5:36)
Thanks for joining me in this course! (2:28)
Join The Gardening Academy (10:12)
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Microgreens - Buckwheat Demo(Coming Soon)
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